K&R EDGE Leadership Solutions

Leadership: The needs are universal, the solutions are not.

We understand that great leaders drive great business results,
and we know what great leadership looks like.

Your business has aggressive goals, and you need a strong leadership team to achieve those goals fast. Leadership development is a strategic investment that not only positively impacts engagement and retention, but it also creates a future-ready work force that is well positioned to drive business success. That’s where K&R EDGE comes in.

K&R Edge logo. Green and yellow triangle overlayed with the text "K&R EDGE Leadership Solutions for Food & Ag"

Should you consider a leadership development solution?

Could your business benefit from deeper insights into the leadership capabilities of your team? Has the day-to-day consumed your focus, not allowing you to focus on your executive talent challenges? While daily operations are undoubtedly important, neglecting leadership development can leave organizations ill-prepared for future challenges and opportunities. A structured approach to enhancing leadership capabilities can provide deeper insights into your team’s potential and help address executive talent challenges more effectively.

What makes K&R EDGE Leadership Solutions unique?

Our commitment to excellence extends beyond executive search to include the development of leadership solutions that your business needs for sustained success. K&R Edge leverages the firm’s extensive industry experience and network of consultants and executive coaches to deliver practical solutions tailored to each organization’s needs. Our ultimate goal is to help clients identify top talent, enhance leadership capabilities, and ensure long-term business success through effective leadership continuity.

Meet some of our Executive Coaches

Our Executive Coaches work to help the uniquely talented leaders of food and ag realize their full potential. 

Sally Day

Managing Director, Leadership Solutions

Cleveland, OH

A certified Executive Coach, Sally brings more than 25 years of industry experience as a senior leader working for major consumer food companies. Sally’s tenure in organizational strategy and leadership provides unmatched experience when coaching executives. She is a Board-Certified Coach (BCC) through the Center for Credentialing and Education and an Associate Certified Coach with the International Coaching Federation.

Michael Whitney

Managing Partner

Malton Yorkshire, United Kingdom

As an executive coach, Michael works with senior leaders to identify opportunities to maximise their performance and build on their strengths to support them grow in their role and extend to the next level, while also finding their work / life harmony. He puts his client’s needs first and they value his ability to distil and understand the complexities of any situation. He provides the space and time for self-reflection, and uses some provocative and probing questions to help clients become more self-aware, so they are even better equipped to shape their future path and take ownership of their evolving thinking, decisions, and actions. Michael graduated from The Royal Military Academy Sandhurst and served as an infantry officer in the British Army for more than 10 years before moving into industry.  He holds a Professional Certificate in Executive Coaching from Henley Business School in the UK and is studying to become an accredited coach (ACC) with the International Coaching Federation (ICF).

Leadership Development by the Numbers


of organizations report their leadership is lacking


of executives fail within 18 months of taking on a new role


of CEOs report developing leaders is a top challenge

*Apollo Technical; Corporate Executive Board

The K&R EDGE Advantage:

Preserving Your Business for the Future

The K&R Edge leadership consultants leverage a suite of solutions with their expertise and executive experience to build strategies that develop strong leadership and move business forward.

Each engagement includes:

  • K&R Edge consultants bring leadership development expertise and food and agriculture industry experience
  • K&R Edge serves as your strategic executive talent partner, elevating the leadership capabilities within your organization
  • K&R Edge delivers custom and practical solutions based on decades of industry insights and deep talent expertise

Executive Onboarding:

Ensuring seamless transitions and integrations for maximum impact on day one.
The K&R Edge Executive Onboarding service ensures your new leader transitions smoothly and effectively into their role. We provide tailored support and resources, helping them quickly understand your organization’s culture, strategic goals, and key stakeholders. Our comprehensive approach includes personalized coaching, detailed onboarding plans, and regular check-ins to
address challenges.

Leadership Assessment:

Delivering business results by
aligning leadership capabilities with organizational goals.
The K&R EDGE Leadership Assessment service is a comprehensive solution designed to professionally evaluate the leadership skills and capabilities of your leader. The result is a detailed and objective assessment that provides valuable insights and actionable feedback, empowering your leaders to develop their strengths, address areas for growth, and align their performance with your organization’s strategic goals.

Executive Coaching:

Maximizing potential & accelerating transitions through the empowerment
of executives.
Executive coaching is a professional development process where a skilled K&R Edge coach works one-on-one with your executive to enhance leadership capabilities and performance. It involves setting clear goals and implementing strategies to overcome challenges. Through tailored feedback, executive coaches help your leader drive personal growth and success for your organization.
Learn more about our Executive Coaching practice here.

Succession Planning:

Securing the future of your organization by minimizing disruptions and facilitating a seamless transition.
Succession planning is a strategic process to identify and develop future leaders within your organization to ensure a smooth transition when a key position becomes vacant. The process involves assessing current talent, creating a plan to develop individuals with the necessary skills and experiences for advancement into critical roles when needed.

Executive Performance:

Driving organizational effectiveness by fostering accountability to results and enhancing individual performance.
K&R Edge Executive Performance is a facilitated and collaborate process for setting objectives, evaluating performance, and providing clear and transparent feedback to your senior executive. Our focus is on aligning executive goals with your company’s strategic vision, fostering accountability, and confirming your leader is equipped to drive results.

“The single biggest way to impact an organization is to focus on leadership development. There is almost no limit to the potential of an organization that recruits good people, raises them up as leaders and continually develops them.”

– John C. Maxwell

Interested in Connecting?

Our firm is committed to providing not only top-tier executive search services, but also exceptional leadership advisory solutions that help our clients identify the best leaders, develop their leadership capabilities, and nurture their human capital strategies for sustained success.

Connect with us to discuss how our tailored services can give your
leadership team the EDGE it needs to succeed.