Our Recent Placements

The leaders we place prove the quality of our work. Our industry experience and search expertise provide the insights needed to attract the right candidates. Below are a selection of our placements since January of 2021. In total, Kincannon & Reed has placed more than 600 leaders across the globe in recent years.

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Malteurop partners with K&R on recent search
Aug 10, 2023

Leading North American malt and malt-product providers, Malteurop North America, Inc (Malteurop) recently welcomed Tim Foley to the organization as their Regional Director of Finance and Information Systems & Technology. A wholly owned subsidiary of Malteurop Groupe, Malteurop North America supplies high quality malt products to brewing, distilling and food…

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VP Sales & Marketing placed by Kincannon & Reed
Aug 2, 2023

Eckert Frozen foods welcomed Barry Heinbaugh as the organization’s new Vice President of Sales & Marketing. As the operation’s VP of Sales and Marketing, Heinbaugh is responsible for building and directing a high caliber team to partner with customers and build revenue profitably. He will direct all sales, marketing, and…

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President placed at AMD Oil by K&R
Jul 24, 2023

Leading US olive and specialty oil importing company AMD Oil Sales (AMD) welcomed Darin Martini as the organization’s new President earlier this month. Building on AMD’s legacy of success, Martini’s focus will be on continuing the organization’s success as the largest importer of bulk olive oil, and continued growth of…

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Freshpet partners with K&R on multiple searches to expand team
Jul 14, 2023

Forward-thinking natural petfood manufacturer Freshpet recently welcomed two new executives to the growing organization: Christopher Kraus as Chief Information Officer and Nishu Patel as VP Corporate Controller. Kraus brings more than two decades of comprehensive information technology and leadership experience with him to Freshpet, having held roles with Omnicom Group,…

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K&R partners with Caviness on CFO search
Jul 11, 2023

Caviness Beef Packers recently welcomed Doug Green to their ranks as the organization’s Chief Financial Officer. Family owned and operated for more than 60 years, Caviness has three locations across the United States. Processing over 4,500 head per day, the growing company employs more than 2,100 and manages several beef…

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Food tech company partners with K&R on CTO search
Jul 6, 2023

Pairwise Plant Services recently welcomed Ryan Bartlett to the organization as their new Chief Technology Officer. Pairwise is a fast-growing food tech company that was founded in 2017 with the goal of transforming what people eat. Using best-in-class technology, the health-focused food and ag company develops consumer-centric foods under their…

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