Food For Thought

Whether identifying effective leaders, aligning on company culture, developing next generation executives, or retaining your best talent, our principals share unique insights and expertise from their experiences working in and with organizations like yours. Interested in connecting with one of our principals to learn more?

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A Call for Innovation + More Insights from the 2021 Chicken Marketing Summit

Innovation requires out-of-the-box thinking. Whether in the chicken industry – or another sector of food or agriculture – being innovative often means leaving your comfort zone and expanding your network. If you’re looking for connections across the food value chain that can help drive innovation for your organization, we welcome a conversation. Our team of search professionals leverages deep industry knowledge, data, and connections (100,000+ executives in our proprietary global database) to identify and place leaders with the right experiences, values, and cultural fit to help organizations innovate.

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Fostering a Diverse Workforce - Thoughts for Success in Food & Ag

Striving toward a more diverse workforce is not new. It has been incrementally happening for the last few decades; recent years and events have brought a renewed focus, sense of urgency, and understanding.

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Retention - The First Step is a Strong Recruiting Strategy

Today, the organizations we serve, are experiencing significant need for talented executives and senior level leadership. Filling a seat with a qualified individual is not enough. Given the demand for talent, leadership retention becomes an imperative priority.

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David Turner and Jon Leafstedt Look Back on 40 Years of Kincannon & Reed For Kincannon & Reed, 2021 is a year of celebration.  We turn 40 this year, and taking time to reflect on the changes, but more importantly looking to the future. President David Turner, and Managing Partner, Jon Leafstedt recently sat down to reflect on the growth of Kincannon & Reed and the evolution of the food and…

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Serving a Noble Industry

For 40 years, Kincannon & Reed has served the ag food value chain, touching upon all stages, from putting a seed in the ground to stocking the supermarket shelf, every function, and all geographies. The executives that we place with our clients are highly engaged in this endeavor and they are making a difference in what we consume every single day.

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Reflections from World Pork Expo 2021

It will take innovative approaches to address the demand for pork. It will also take innovative leaders and the right strategy to bring them to the industry, and to the organizations in need.

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